Applying Toyota’s Secret to Consistency to Your Fitness Goals

You may be thinking, “why on earth is a personal trainer writing a blog about a Japanes Auto Manufacturer?”

Fair question. Let’s dive in.


In the realm of personal training and health, understanding the root of our goals is crucial for long term success. Without it, we usually sputter out when any form of ambivalence or rivaling need pops up. Many think that simply “getting healthier” or “losing weight” is deep enough of a reason to go on, but I find that’s just scrathcing the surface and is doubtful to provide the needed fuel when things get tough.

This is where the "5 Whys," a method pioneered by Taiichi Ohno for the Toyota Production System in the 1950s, becomes invaluable. This technique isn't just about manufacturing efficiency; it's a powerful tool for anyone pursuing strength, weight loss, or overall health improvements to become more aligned and obtain a deeper sense of motivation.

What are the 5 Whys?

The method is simple: identify a problem and ask "why" five times in succession. This approach helps in uncovering the deeper issues underlying superficial challenges. It's no surprise that Toyota's approach has led to durable cars like the 1995 Corolla, which we still see on the streets of Fairfax and beyond.

By asking, “why” repeatedly, the root to complex problems begin to come clear. In production systems, it helped Toyota to back track to simple causes of what could be a systemic issue. Similairly, in health and fitness, it allows for the client to identify what problems or dissatisfaction they’re experiencing in their life that they want to address.

Applying the 5 Whys in Personal Health and Fitness

In health and fitness, especially when one goes as far as to hire a personal trainer, it’s really important to understand our deeper motivations to ensure we’re actually addressing what we want. In this way, the “5 Why” method can be transformative. It helps in navigating the complex emotions and contradictions we often encounter, like wanting to gain strength but struggling to make time for the gym, or aiming for weight loss while battling food temptations.

Six Steps to Apply the 5 Whys

  1. Define Your Goal - Clearly state your health or fitness goal, whether it's strength training, weight loss, or improving general health.

  2. First Why - Surface Reason: Ask why you've set this goal. What's your immediate reason?

  3. Second Why - Underlying Motivation: Dig deeper. Why is this immediate reason important to you?

  4. Third Why - Emotional Connection: Go further. How does this reason resonate with you emotionally?

  5. Fourth Why - Life Impact: Explore the broader impact. How will achieving this goal change your life?

  6. Fifth Why - Core Value: Reach the core. Why is this change fundamentally important for you? What does it mean in the grand scheme of your life?

  7. Reflect and Align - Finally, reflect on your answers. Do they align with your deeper values and long-term aspirations?

Give this a try youself. You may find that a goal like weight loss is more than a quest for a number on the scale; it’s more likely intertwined with deeper aspirations like longevity, vitality, and the ability to enjoy life to the fullest. You may even find it connected to your view of being a good parent by setting a healthier example.

Or, you may get down to your deeper reasons and core values and realize that the initial goal really doesn’t fit as well as you first thought. If so, we’re probably better tweaking that goal and saving ourselves the hastle of working towards something we’re not fully in line with.

Conclusion: The Power of Understanding

By employing the 5 Whys, you gain clarity, ensuring your fitness journey aligns with your core values. It's not just about the physical transformation but about harmonizing your actions with what truly drives you.

The more connected you can be with your goals in this way, the more likely you’re going to be able to keep with it. This method is a path to understanding, not just in the context of personal training but in every aspect of life.

If you feel you’re having trouble identifying or just pursuing your goals then click below to schedule your exploratory call with one of our Coaches. It’s free, it’s easy, and it can save you a lot of headaches with how you move forward on your goals. 

Jarrett Brumett CSCS PN1

Jarrett is the owner, Head Trainer, and Nutrition Coach at NOVA Strong Personal Training & Fitness. Jarrett has helped countless individuals in Northern Virginia to become stronger, healthier versions of themselves since 2013 and specializes in Post-Rehabilitative Sports Performance. Jarrett founded NOVA Strong Personal Training in 2018 to provide highly specialized training solutions for underserved populations within the fitness space.

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