About Us

At the heart of NOVA Strong is a belief that everyone deserves the freedom and empowerment that comes from being holistically strong and healthy. As trainers, our method embodies the inclusiveness and diversity of NOVA itself to help provide that empowerment to all walks of life. We pride ourselves on our adaptive, open-minded approach to strength, fitness, and nutrition.

"Get NOVA Strong" isn't just a slogan—it's our promise. It means embarking on a journey to unlock the best version of yourself and your life. Be it a mom regaining strength after childbirth, someone rekindling their health journey, or a differently-abled individual enhancing daily function, we're here to guide and champion your progress.

Our team is as diverse as the community we serve, each with specialized skills tailored for distinct needs. Meet the dedicated minds behind "Get NOVA Strong" by clicking below.

Meet the Team

  • Jarrett Brumett CSCS PN1 LMT

    Owner, Head Trainer and Massage Therapist

  • Juanita Capard II CPT PN1 GGS1

    Personal Trainer and Woman’s Health Specialist

  • Iman Salami CPT

    Personal Trainer and Post-Rehabilitation Specialist

  • Taylor Boyd CPT

    Personal Trainer and Adaptive Fitness Specialist

  • Moe Alhassan CPT

    Personal Trainer and Performance Specialist

  • Bean Burrito

    Customer Service Manager and Gym Doggo