Allon Gained 7lbs of Muscle

“I have been training with Jarrett for nearly five years, and I love his workout programs. He‘s helped me reach my fitness goals while considering my medical conditions to avoid injury. Also, I like that he provides personalized attention and is professional, polite, and patient with me!”

Allon is our OG Hybrid client. In 2018 he first approached us for Hybrid Training to get stronger and use it to improve his distance cycling. Since then, he’s been bitten by the iron bug and now we have him on an annual cycle that shifts between building muscle in the Fall, hitting new maxes in the Spring, and supporting his biking in the Summer.

On top of juggling heavy weights and long rides, Allon also has a very demanding job. A job that requires him to be up late for international Zoom meetings and travel all over the world in the span of a month.

Despite this, the only workouts that I can recall him missing were when he had COVID. No matter where he’s been, or what’s been going on, with the Hybrid setup, we’ve been able to ensure that he has a dialed-in plan and support to keep him moving forward.

Of course, it helps that Allon is also extremely committed to the process. When we once talked about it, he commented on how committing to an hour almost every day for exercise made the rest of his day easier. He’s developed this habit over years of working out. Creating the time, no matter how busy his schedule or where he’s at, has become an autonomous and therapeutic process for him. 

This man has shown up to a gym in some form in almost every time zone and has amazingly made it work. And his work has worked. 

In 2022, after analyzing some trends we were seeing in Allon’s performance, we tried something different. We loaded him up with more volume, threw in more liberal deloads and freedom to autoregulate, and let him go. 

This man handled volume that has crushed guys almost half his age… and he THRIVED. 

Allon gained 7 lbs of muscle and hit new PRs in all of his lifts. His squat we got to 275, his deadlift, we finally got to 315, and his bench climbed into the 200s. All of these were major benchmarks that we had set our sites on. Not bad for a man in his 60s.

If you see Allon in the gym, or on the bike path, be sure to give him a pat on the back for his hard work! 

If you want results like Allon's be sure to sign up for your own exploratory call by hitting the button below!

Jarrett Brumett CSCS PN1

Jarrett is the owner, Head Trainer, and Nutrition Coach at NOVA Strong Personal Training & Fitness. Jarrett has helped countless individuals in Northern Virginia to become stronger, healthier versions of themselves since 2013 and specializes in Post-Rehabilitative Sports Performance. Jarrett founded NOVA Strong Personal Training in 2018 to provide highly specialized training solutions for underserved populations within the fitness space.

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