Anthony Lost Over 20 lbs and Got Stronger Than He Ever Dreamed

“I can't say enough good things about Jarrett. I've been working with him for over a year now, for Hybrid Training and Sports Massage. I'm 52 years old, significant arthritis in my lower back and shoulders, and was obese/sedentary for decades.

When I started losing weight and getting in shape, Jarrett made sure that I did it in a healthy, sensible way. Not only did he prevent injury, but I no longer have significant pain in my back or shoulders. I'm now a National level competitive swimmer and feel better than I have since I was in my 20s.

Jarrett customized my plan according to my goals and lifestyle - no cookie cutter training! He also loads my workouts into an app which is great for when I work on my own, as it has detailed descriptions and videos. He's responsive to my questions, flexible with scheduling, and easy to be work with. The best!””

Anthony started training with us in August of 2021 with the goal of recovering his functional strength and improving his health. Today, I want to share with you some of the obstacles he overcame to do just that. 

Like many of us, Anthony had some old injuries that made him hesitant to begin strength training. He was worried about getting an "ego-trainer" that would push him past what was best for his body.

He wanted someone who would listen to his concerns and progress him safely and effectively. Similarly, he wanted a sustainable approach to nutrition as previous overly restrictive methods had left him burnt out and with an "all-or-nothing" mindset around eating. 

While working with Iman, Anthony has shown a laser-like focus in every task, habit, and exercise he's been given. Since enrolling in Nutrition Coaching, he has dug deeper to challenge negative beliefs about food and improve his relationship with it. Yes, he's lost over 20 lbs and feels great, but that's only a portion of his results. He's worked hard to shed the "all-or-nothing" and champion a growth-based mindset instead. Doing so has caused a large jump in his long-term health and is keeping him reaching for more.

As for his goal to improve his functional strength, he's been working with Iman through our Hybrid Coaching Service to train once a week in-house with us, and the rest on his own. He’s stronger, more resilient, and loves his training. As for the results, I'll let the final video speak for itself ;) 

Do you want to be like Anthony?

Don’t we all.

Click the button below to take the same plunge that Anthony did and learn how we can get you results like his.

Jarrett Brumett CSCS PN1

Jarrett is the owner, Head Trainer, and Nutrition Coach at NOVA Strong Personal Training & Fitness. Jarrett has helped countless individuals in Northern Virginia to become stronger, healthier versions of themselves since 2013 and specializes in Post-Rehabilitative Sports Performance. Jarrett founded NOVA Strong Personal Training in 2018 to provide highly specialized training solutions for underserved populations within the fitness space.

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